Sunday, August 28, 2011

good old reading...

Nabokov has some points into what he believes is a "good reader" that I really agree with.  It seems as if his main concern with one being named a "good reader" is based upon his feeling of authors being artists who "paint" instead of someone just writing down their thoughts.  Focusing on beauty instead of worrying most about the academic side, without using dictionaries; only the mind and body.  This is because he pretty much comes to a conclusion that a good reader needs a good writer and vice versa...(that's what I got out of his words)  He wants the reader to pay attention to every detail, re-read, and enter into a book with a clean slate.  I like that he sees so much art in writing and reading.  I think that re-reading is also a crucial point to being a good reader.  I don't believe one time around can give you all of the information you need.  It's like listening to a song.  Each time it gets better because you notice things you didn't before.  I also believe a key to a good reader is being academically sound.  You can't understand the meaning of a piece of work if you don't know what the words mean.

I'd say I am an average reader.  I can read and comprehend well, but I think that I could use some practice.  Sometimes I find myself re-reading passages more than a couple times to really grasp the concept.  I have trouble focusing on work that I don't find extremely interesting, so I would like to start tending to my focus!