Sunday, September 4, 2011

summary & analysis

         A summary is basically a shorter, less detailed version of a story.  It tells the main ideas from start to end, without using any details.  It is pretty much a quick recap of important events from the start to end.  An example of a summary could be:  "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is a short story about a young boy who is watching over a flock of sheep. He gets bored, so he keeps telling his towns people that he is seeing a wolf.  Each time they go investigate there is no wolf, and they tell him not to lie.  The boy lies about the wolf so many times, that when the wolf is really there the towns people ignore him, and his sheep scatter.  There was no unnecessary details, quotes, or much from the original story, just the main idea.

An analysis is a bit different.  It is mainly the breaking down of a text, to understand it better.  It's like reading between the lines.  For example, an analysis of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" would be more like: "The Boy Who Cried Wolf" is about how a young boy learns a valuable lesson that all children should follow.  It is about telling the truth, even if you think it's harmless.

1 comment:

  1. Jamison,

    Good story to choose. You do have a good small summary of the story. You seem to be able to grasp the point of analysis. I do think there are many good questions that could come out of the story.
