Saturday, October 1, 2011

revisions, revisions!

                  Revising has always been a little hard for me, as writing has.  I do believe that revising is a bit easier, though as

a whole.  I have a really tough time spitting out anything of an essay.  I sit for a bit, and then end up just having to dive into

 it.  When writing an essay I definitely outline my ideas first.  It seems a little elementary, but it really helps and acts as a 

guideline.  I throw everything that I feel needs to be in the essay (general stuff) and then go from there.  Throughout the 

writing process I am  constantly  revising.  Re-reading each sentence, and asking myself, "Wait, is that right? Is it too much 

or not enough?".  I could do this all day, but my essay would never get finished, so I usually just go with my gut in the end.  

The second draft revision process is sort of the same, for me.  I like to go into it thinking that the paper has not been written 

by me.  I need that sort of mindset to just do revising on what I think needs changed.  It makes it easier to try and look at the 

paper from an outsiders stand point.   I do read it over and over as well, also letting others read it and give me feedback.  

Letting other epode read it gives me a real view on how the reader is feeling and what they are thinking.  It usually ends up 

that the other person reading it has found a weird spot or a mistake that I didn't notice after all of the re-reading.  

With this essay, I hope to be able to bring it all together.  I think the first step was really understanding the poem.  I 

thought that I really understood it, but maybe going back to it after a few days, I can grasp it a little better.  I also feel I need 

to get better vocabulary.  In speech, I don't seem to reuse words, or repeat my thoughts, but for some reason I do in my 

writing, and I'd like to change that!!

I though this was kind of cool for those of us who aren't the best writers… :)

photo credit:

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jamison,

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on revising. Sounds like you have a hard time getting the thoughts that you want out to be the main ones. Writing a poem makes it even more difficult I think. Did you read the Global v. Local questions? I thought for this assignment they really made sense and will help in the second draft of Essay # 2. Also I put this link on my blog post:, feel free to check it out. Thanks for sharing.

